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Opal Sparkle

Nielsen – Have your say, enjoy rewards

Nielsen wanted to reach multicultural consumers to inform about the NHCP and register them as panelists.

Opal online survey showed low brand awareness. The challenge was to build awareness, inspire the TA to register and be active panelists. Opal adapted the US ad campaign to inspire at an emotional level with Have your say and make an impact tagline, as we feel good when we are heard and have an impact.

We supported the acquisition with a Win Rewards campaign for panelist retention.

The marketing plan primarily focused on: South Asians, Chinese, Filipinos, Arabs and Afro-Canadians. The IEC, information, education and communication campaign, included a landing page, print ads, display and social media advertising, and in-market activations to reach, connect and recruit panelists.

Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad

In-store Activations

Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad
Nielsen Ad

info@opalmarketing.ca | 416 773 1515

1460 The Queensway #421, Toronto, ON M8Z 1S4.